Cruising the Blue Waters: A Comprehensive Guide to Sailing in Croatia
Before sailing in Croatia, you need to ask yourself one thing: How much do you love the colour blue?
The Experience
You see I thought I loved the color blue, but I had no idea how much until last week when I met up to sail to the islands on the country’s Dalmatian coast. I dare say you would have the same realization should you find yourself spending a week surrounded by that emerald-tinged azure of the Adriatic underneath you and the bright, vibrant blue of a cloud-free sky above you.
The Party Experience
One of the most spectacular party experiences we enjoyed was the boat raft where all of the 25 boats in our fleet were arranged in a circle and tied together in a cove off one of the Hell’s Islands. Believe me when I say that Hell’s Islands is an inappropriate name for this part of the world, especially as the champagne started to flow, the music started to play and we perfected the art of dancing in the sea – yep, it was heavenly. Your trip will likely take a few stops on Hvar and Vis islands.
Sailing Holidays
Sailing holidays are, of course, dependent on the weather. Don’t over-pack! Sailing holidays aren’t as glamorous as you expect; at least not always. Take minimal luggage, don’t bring a suitcase as there’s unlikely to be space to store it and secure valuables or breakables in a cupboard because when the boat rocks, things go flying.
It’s an adventure!
Leave the hair straighteners at home! We often likened our sailing experience to camping, as although there was a shower on board, we had a very limited water supply and we had to wait until we were at a marina before we could get a proper hot shower. Besides, you will also have limited electricity on board your boat and of course phone reception isn’t everywhere once you’re sailing. Embrace the fact that your phone won’t work all the time and enjoy the view!
Another Warning
This is a partying holiday. As I’ve mentioned above, this is almost as much about partying as it is about Sailing. Due to the weather and other unavoidable complications, it’s possible that you won’t get to a port or destination until later in the day, meaning you may only have a few hours to explore new places in daylight and after that, well trust me when we say Sailing.hr always has a party organized for you. If you’re looking for a more relaxed island-hopping adventure where you can spend longer periods exploring the sights etc. you may want to try a different kind of sailing tour.
Final Warning
That said, if partying in the sun is something you long to do and you’re not afraid of a lack of sleep or dancing in your bikini, this is definitely the holiday for you.
The Love
And a final warning… You will fall madly in love with so many things. With Croatia. With the sea. With the sky. With the fifty shades of blue. With the quaint fishing towns. With their narrow alleyways. With the taste of freshly caught seafood. With swimming in the ocean every day. With the Croatian people are friendly, welcoming and accommodating, despite a constant flow of tourists to their towns in the summer months.
Sailing Around the World
Sailing around the world is an amazing experience that cannot be done otherwise. There are so many other great destinations around the world to sail to and from and that being said, in order to do so, you need to have a few things in mind. First, learning how to navigate and control the boat and knowing your sailing equipment is crucial. Being a certified skipper is a must. While being in the blue waters far from all civilizations, you must know how to handle yourself at all times and in all situations.
Safety comes first!!! Bon Voyage!!