Unveiling the Majestic Beauty of Kootenay National Park: A Winter Wonderland Experience
Cross country snowshoeing or skiing up Kootenay National Park‘s Chickadee Valley has became one of the prettiest trips you can do inside a couple of hours drive of Calgary.
Discovering the Trail-Head
Discovering the unmarked trail-head is simple. In the first place park at the decently stamped parking garage of Great Divide, on the south side of Highway 93. It’s around 10 kilometers southwest of Castle Junction. On the east side of the separation you’re in Alberta, and on the west side, British Columbia. (Image by :Kim’s Pics 🙂
Starting the Journey
In the wake of stopping, stroll over the parkway from the westerly end of the parking area. You’ll need to convey your skis crosswise over – don’t wait as trucks thunder through here. Exploring the goliath snowbanks to get to the parkway may be the crux of your voyage!
Following the Trail
Put your skis on right adjacent to the parkway and head into the forested areas. There ought to be a few tracks to take after however nothing is agreed upon. As we were there right on time after a crisp snowfall, we wrongly expected we ought to be emulating the tracks that prompt the open territory presented beneath. Rather we ran over a vast gathering looking into torrential slide security. We began off on the wrong trail – emulating individuals taking a torrential slide course; at minimum the perspective was great.
Keep Looking for Tracks
Keep on lookking for tracks and take after the river, moving at a moderate rate for most of a kilometer. Ahead of schedule in the season be watchful with any stream intersections as there is untamed water about.
Be Careful with Trail Choices
We wound up completing tracks the trees. On occasion the trail was very slender and I ended up asking John – would you say you are certain we’re going the right way? On the off chance that we had stayed left at a conspicuous convergence, we could have scrambled toward the end of the valley. We likewise would have been further to the west of the slide way of any potential torrential slides. Torrential slide danger was low when we were there, yet after a huge snowfall I’d doubtlessly keep left. The perspectives are better as well. (Image by:Cezary Kucharski )
The Destination
When we arrived at the knoll in the region of the photograph presented underneath, we chose to eat and follow our steps. At the same time an alternate time I’d consider proceeding through the trees up into the high snow capped. We met our first skier of the day who portrayed the course – and everything sounds extremely feasible. He says its not difficult to maintain a strategic distance from torrential slide landscape however he did suggest putting on skins for the climbing. The perspectives from above treeline would be exceptional.
The Return Trip
We remembered our steps and brought the more straightforward course down. In under an hour, we were again at the auto. The last kilometer was a ton of amusing to ski, yet this piece of the trail with slender wanders aimlessly wouldn’t be for everybody.
Encounters on the Trail
Throughout the span of the three to four hours we were in the Chickadee Valley, we met one other skier and four snowshoers. It was a weekend with flawless snow and climate conditions, so I was astounded to see so few individuals.
A Great Winter Experience
Skiing up and snowshoeing in Chickadee Valley is such a great experience for me. It’s been one of the prettiest winter excursions I’ve done in the mountains since touching base in Calgary 2 years prior. On the off chance that the prospect of skiing an unmarked trail alarms you, attempt the checked trail to Boom Lake in Banff National Park.